Shannon McCaul



Heyyy everyone, I am a first year Advertising and Marketing Managment student minoring in management behaviour and ethics, philosophy and religion (random choices I know). I am in charge of, alongside Aiden, the running of all the Furness social media accounts, promoting events, up keeping with messages and writing the weekly newspaper; Bev’s Hills. This is a role not only in great correlation with my degree but also with my love of being on my phone. This role gives me an excuse to have my phone glued to my hand 24/7 (not that I needed one)…to make sure I keep all you guys in the know! I am quite an active person as a member of Furness’ Netball B Team and a competition dancer for both LUDanS and LUBDS. I am enjoying every part of my hectic life at Lancaster University and I wouldn’t have it any other way. If you ever see me around I’d love to have a chat… I am in charge of communications after all!

I am also very loyal to my college #MightyFurness